
Experience the world’s most
engaging online exhibition platform

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Phenomenal Experience In 3D

Immersive Virtual Lobby
Global Meet & Greet
Multiple Exhibition Halls
Personalized Booths
3D/360° Auditoriums
360° Product Display
With Tech Specs
Networking Lounge
Customized Reception

Expo365 is a unique and innovative medium for hosting exhibitions in the virtual world. An intriguing aspect of Expo365 is that although it works in the same way that a live physical exhibition does, it doesn’t comply with the same physical restrictions. As such, Expo365 is held 365 days a year and is accessible 24 x 7. Visitors from all over the globe can navigate through the virtual exhibition and visit the different booths being held there. The booths consist of virtual stands with 3D products offered by sellers. Interested buyers can navigate through the platform using their virtual avatars and interact with the booths and All the interactions are in real-time, so customers can enjoy the experience of a real-world exhibition. We build all our exhibition stands using a combination of high-resolution 3D rendering, graphics for branding, and HD videos that are generated using realistic representations of real-life exhibition stands.

Key Features Of Expo365

Free Registration
Profile Update
Access To Live Webinars
Networking Zone
Live Polls & FAQs
Spacious Hall Layout
360° Walkthroughs
Personalized Booths
Text & Video Chats
Feedback Forms
Social Media Integration
Downloadable PDF & Video Brochures


The greatest benefit of virtual Expo365 is surpassing the physical restraints of time zones, physical space, and a wider audience. Switching from traditional expos to our Expo365 means that exhibitors can reach out to global audiences without the restrictions of different time zones or having a large enough hall to host everyone. Plus, all this can be done at the fraction of the cost of hosting a traditional expo!



Global audiences can visit their favorites expos by touring the virtual grounds, and getting introduced to new brands and products. The 3D/360-degree virtual walkthrough and interaction experience are as good as engaging in it in real life. Moreover, visitors can take part in virtual Expo365 from any device at absolutely any time of the day or week.



Organizing an expo is always a colossal task from getting together various brands and booths to organizing space for visitors and making them comfortable. Fortunately, the task is much easier with our virtual Expo365. With the help of our team, organizers can ensure a seamless experience for everyone present, using the most advanced tools and software in the industry.

Which Industries Could Benefit From Expo365?

Trade Fair Organizers
Business Associations
Manufacturing Industries
Traders Associations
Export Councils
Chamber of Commerce
Trade Promotion Councils
Job Fairs
Importers and Exporters
Education Fairs
SME Network
Multi Brand Store